Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back to the office

One of us fliptmoms is headed back to the work-a-day lifestyle- suiting up and showing up 40 hours a week on campus. And it's me. I haven't worked a full time job at the office for over 15 years. And even then it was only for 6 months.

Here goes... I'll be working for a local private university to help them launch an online doctorate degree.

What I'm not looking forward to:
  • Higher gas bill. More pollution.  
  • Less time with my children. More guilt.
  • Less time in my garden. More weeds.
  • Earlier mornings. More bitchin' and moanin'.
What I am looking forward to:
  • Listening to books on Audible during the commute. More time to read!
  • Doing the job itself. More creativity and productivity!
  • Working with my new colleagues. More socializing, less social media!
  • Getting out of the house more often. More showers!
So, now our blog may have more to offer for more parents- stay-at-home, work-from-home and work-at-work parents. Wish me luck in this transition.

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