Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the fliptmom neurosis

An irrefutable constant about me is that I love to read. The only challenge I've ever seen to that fundamental has been the recent disruption of social media, and even that is mostly an interactive form of reading.

I also love to take ownership over those gems I come across when I read by flagging them for later. As a teacher this habit is useful and makes it easier for me to cross reference with students in the online classroom- unlike the face to face superstars, an online teacher has the luxury of looking up that "tip of the tongue" example that is just so apropo. 

I also have a three year old boy. And my bookmarking flags look like this:

So more than half the time I find them stuck to my son and all over the floor like this:

I laughed the first time. Then realized he had not pulled them out of the package but out of my dang book! I've hidden them in drawers, started putting them up high. But I still occasionally end up leaving them out next to a book and coming back to find the inevitable.

As flags should be, these are highly symbolic for what my children have been doing to my brain. For my reading habits, I make wise choices, I use the tools available, I establish good routines. Yet, this little guy doesn't care. Not because he's heartless but because he has no idea I exist beyond his reach... and hey, look! sticky colors!

In his wake, I lost my cool. my collected wisdom. my place.

And the neurosis sets in. 

Asking stupid questions. Why did you do this? Why can't I just read and mark my pages? Why can't I have anything???  

Pondering inconvenient truths. These flags are all wasted now. They're really a waste to begin with. Is this sustainable?

Listing the inconveniences. Now I've got to clean this mess up. Pick these up. And read this entire book over!

Reporting the injury. He got into my dang flags again. I had just finished re-marking this new edition. How much money have we wasted on them now?

Broadcasting the banality. This might make a good blog post. It's perfect for fliptmoms. I'll have to put some flags on the little guy and take a pic. *serendipity interceded and no staging was necessary. 

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