Sunday, May 12, 2013

Writing Webliography

URL Site Name Highlights
OWL The Purdue Online Writing Lab Comprehensive online writing resource.
Bedford Guide The Bedford Guide for College Writers Do not need to own this textbook to utilize this site. It offers writing resources and quizzes.
Guide to Grammar & Writing Guide to Grammar and Writing: Capital Community College Comprehensive online writing resource.
Daily Grammar Blog Daily Grammar Blog Blog gives a daily grammar rule with examples.
Grammar Girl Grammar Girl: Quick & Dirty Tricks Complex grammar rules and are made simple.
OED Oxford English Dictionary Meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words.
Merriam-Webster The Merriam-Webster Dictionary An online dictionary.
Roget's Thesaurus Roget’s Thesaurus An online thesaurus.
APA American Psychological Association APA Formatting Guidelines.
APA APA Style Blog APA Formatting Guidelines.
Citation Generator Son of Citation Machine Citation machine that offers in-text and reference citations.
Citation Generator Citation Builder Citation machine that offers reference citations and allows students to notice the differences with each format.
Citation Generator KnightCite Citation machine that offers reference citations and details multimedia sources.
Free Scholarly Journals Oxford Journals Open access to more than 100 scholarly journals.

Happy fliptMOMS' Day!

My favorite Mother's Day gift is actually that oh-so-sweet breakfast-in-bed made entirely by our loving keikis.

And it's not my favorite gift because our kiddos were thoughtful or creative or early risers. It's not even because I was able to sleep a little longer and not take breakfast orders, clean the dishes, and help all of the above get ready for church.

For me, the over-sugared oatmeal and diluted coffee is oh-so-sweet and wonderful because it shows the early signs of self-reliance in our children.

When they first tie their shoelaces without our help, I see signs of independence. 

And we do a little dance. 

When they wake up, make their beds, get dressed, and begin school on their own, I see signs of self-sufficiency.

And we do a little dance.

When they make me a Mother’s Day breakfast that is vegan and gluten-free and then sing me a self-created Mother’s Day song, I know our kiddos are well on their way to being self-possessed, confident, and creative individuals.

And we all do a little dance together.

"To find yourself, think for yourself." Socrates

Happy fliptMOMS' Day!  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back to the office

One of us fliptmoms is headed back to the work-a-day lifestyle- suiting up and showing up 40 hours a week on campus. And it's me. I haven't worked a full time job at the office for over 15 years. And even then it was only for 6 months.

Here goes... I'll be working for a local private university to help them launch an online doctorate degree.

What I'm not looking forward to:
  • Higher gas bill. More pollution.  
  • Less time with my children. More guilt.
  • Less time in my garden. More weeds.
  • Earlier mornings. More bitchin' and moanin'.
What I am looking forward to:
  • Listening to books on Audible during the commute. More time to read!
  • Doing the job itself. More creativity and productivity!
  • Working with my new colleagues. More socializing, less social media!
  • Getting out of the house more often. More showers!
So, now our blog may have more to offer for more parents- stay-at-home, work-from-home and work-at-work parents. Wish me luck in this transition.